terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2007

Vida Felina-Feline Life

Text :-Politics is getting increasingly worse!Text 1:-... a lot and now the country's economic and social ...;Text 2: "Well how do nessesmomentos is all political ...;Text 3 :-... close your eyes and sleep!
Text 1: "Dad, I will bring the Prince, my love! You'll see, he's the biggest cat!;Text 2: "This is the Prince, Daddy did not tell you that he was the biggest cat?;Text 3: "Hi Dad.

Text 1: "What thing more outdated! His father discriminate against me because I'm a cat!;Text 2: Prince-Forget it, let's give our contribution against prejudice! Come on, call me a dog, call me!

Text 1: "I came to this country full of hope ...;Text 2: "Look at me kid, I never had opportunities! See what I have become ...;Text 3: "Immigration, Inflation, segregation, many problems, so many people ... and sometimes I worry if my milk is warm or cold ...

Text 1: "Mr. Muhamed suffered some discrimination when he emigrated?;Text 2: Prince, my family had opened the passport of squid, or a lot of money!;Text 3: You mean that common sense, tolerance, respect, depend on a passport to open doors? Thing and more.
Esta é a série de tiras "Vida Felina"; abordam o dia-a-dia do personagem "Prince" criado pelo meu filho Peter e eu no início de 2007. Meu filho tem apenas seis anos e adora gatos, e é dele a inspiração e sugestão para o nome do personagem principal. Vida Felina retrata o cotidiano real vivido por animais, nada original é verdade. Nestas tiras me deixo influenciar pelos quadrinhos europeus e adoto uma postura mais adulta. Fugi da premissa original apesar de meu filho Peter não entender direito o conteúdo das tiras, ainda assim acredito que o resultado final ficou bom. Este material ainda não fora publicado em nenhum lugar. Enviei os originais do gato Prince para o concurso de tiras da cidade de Moura em Portugal, mas ainda não recebi o resultado. Em breve deve pintar bastante coisa do nosso amigo felino (pelo menos enquanto o meu filho pedir).

This is a series of strips "Life Feline"; address the day-to-day character "Prince" created by my son Peter and I in early 2007. My son is only six years and loves cats, and is his inspiration and suggestion for the main character's name. Feline Life portrays the daily reality experienced by animals, nothing is really original. These strips let myself be influenced by European comics and adopt a more adult. Flee despite the original premise of my son Peter did not understand the content of the right strip, still believe that the end result was good. This material has not been published anywhere. I sent the originals to the Cat Prince tender strips of the town of Moura in Portugal, but still did not get the result. Soon to paint quite a lot of our feline friend (at least until my son asked for).

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