I put this little story like a supporting cartoonist Tuba, my disaffection and a great cartoonist. To rip the idiot, I had him take a walk in clinic to do a prostate exam. The guy has an ego the size of Trensurb (subway that connects to the Porto Alegre metropolitan area) and is still a celebrity in Cachoeirinha old war. So what do you think? It's just a tribute?
Globalized World-This is a comic version of a joke I heard from my friend Robert (owner of a newsstand in front of the School Julius Caesar in the city of Dawn) by there back in 1998 and never left my mind. Earlier this year after ending the first strips of the Cat Prince. I then decided to transpose it to paper and think that having the expected result. He also served as a way to honor friends, Robert and Sonia do not see that much.
This is a series of strips "Life Feline"; address the day-to-day character "Prince" created by my son Peter and I in early 2007. My son is only six years and loves cats, and is his inspiration and suggestion for the main character's name. Feline Life portrays the daily reality experienced by animals, nothing is really original. These strips let myself be influenced by European comics and adopt a more adult. Flee despite the original premise of my son Peter did not understand the content of the right strip, still believe that the end result was good. This material has not been published anywhere. I sent the originals to the Cat Prince tender strips of the town of Moura in Portugal, but still did not get the result. Soon to paint quite a lot of our feline friend (at least until my son asked for).